This past Sunday, July 17th, I celebrated my 27th birthday. (Am I older or younger than you thought? ;))
I’ve never been much for making a big deal of days…the left brain side of wonders why make make a big deal of every 365 days. Like…really…365? Why don’t we do every 500 days. That sounds like a much better milestone. Nice round number. But I digress ;)
Even still, when I think about it, I’m thankful. I’m thankful for every day that I have been given breath. I might not know too much, but one thing for sure- my life here is not for my own well-being. I’ve been placed here for a purpose, and my days are numbered and already accounted for. So every day that I’m still alive is another day where it’s my opportunity to continue fulfilling what I’ve been called to do. As much as it is a surprise and/or celebration that I make another year, I know that God knew I would make it here well in advance, and has a reason for it. So thankful for a God in full control of my days. I’m just hoping to be faithful with my days to come.
In celebration of my birthday (and keeping with tradition for the past 4 of 5 years), the awesome wife and I headed out to Wrigley Field for the Cubs vs. Marlins game. I’ve been a die-hard Cubs fan my whole life and still haven’t fully healed from the Bartman debacle of 2003. Even as we struggle through another tough season (we haven’t won 3 games in a row yet), I am still a faithful fan. The wife on the other hand can’t stand baseball. So you know she really loves me if she’s willing to take me to a game every year, and act like she’s having a good time :)
So in the 100+ degree heat, we headed out to beautiful Wrigley to take in a day game with my Cubbies. We got great seats along the 3rd base line (sadly not in the shade, but any other day it would have been amazing!). It was a fun game for the most part, despite a terrible umpire call in the 8th (Kerry Wood picked a guy off 2nd that would have ended the inning, ump called him safe. Florida in turn breaks the 4-4 tie by scoring 3 in that inning, and the Cubs ultimately lose 7-5.) Despite that, I had a great time at the game, and managed to capture a few images of the game and ‘people of Wrigley’ :)

Thanks again to all the birthday wishes from all of you via phone/text/email/facebook/twitter/instagram/G+/groupme…its amazing just how many forms of communication we have! It truly means a lot, and I’m looking forward to continue building our relationship in my ripe old age of 27.