I know it’s been a bit quiet around here, but it hasn’t been without reason. With a new year, a new plan, and a new focus I wanted to bring about some ‘newness’ and changes for everyone.
I’m excited to announce my new website is up and running! It took a bit of time planning, designing, and coding it all (I know, I should just outsource it or buy a template…but I find a weird joy coding), but I finally got it together. Let me know what you think!
This site is simply bringing a bit of freshness for 2008, but obviously my blog is the more consistent way to keep in touch with my work and my life, and it’s the most constantly updated with information, so keep browsing. And I’ve got some changes planned for this as well! No guarantees as to how soon it’ll be, but I’m excited! (Again, I’m a coding nerd at times)
Alright, just wanting to let you all know I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth recently and I have been working. Enjoy! Here’s too an amazing 2008!