- [Photo Challenge] So today is officially the last day for the photo challenge, but I’ll give a couple day grace period for people to send their images in. It was fun seeing the “yellow” from others perspective. In the next day or so, I’ll post the collection of images that have been sent for the first challenge (and state my ‘favorite’) as well as post the challenge for April. I’m building a new site for the photo challenge to make it easier to view the images and stay up-to-date with the challenge, but that might only be completely later in the year (I’ve got like 5 site designs/re-designs that I’m working on for the year). So if you haven’t sent it yet, SEND YOUR IMAGES NOW!
- [Under the Weather] So over the weekend I came down with a bad cold, which was terrible because I went to visit Madelyn and couldn’t hold her. I put myself on bed-rest yesterday (took a 6 hour nap), and am slowly feeling better. Because of this, I haven’t been able to do my same day / day-after photo posts, but I’ll have something at the end to get you coming back.
- [Home Opener] Today was the home opener for the Chicago Cubs, and how else would we start a season than with a rain delay followed by an extra inning loss? Zambrano pitched a great game, but I guess we just couldn’t finish. Well, it’s only 1 game in a 162-game season, so anything can happen. All this to say – I love BASEBALL!
- [JabbaWockees] As I called it, Jabba won the Best Dance Crew title (so what if all my other assumptions were wrong?). The final show was entertaining, with a great collective performance by Jabba, Kaba and Fish. I expected a much better final routine, but can’t complain…they kept me entertained all season long. I wonder what season 2 will bring- dancers on stilts? Skateboarders?
- [NCAA Tournament] For the first time in history, all four #1 teams made it to the Final Four. Impressive. And with that, there’s still a chance that I can win at least one of the pools I’m in. So this is what I need…Memphis over UCLA, Kansas over UNC (even though I had UNC in the finals for one of brackets), and Memphis winning it all. So everyone wish your good feelings on this…I think I have a free dinner riding on this!
- [Uncle Bob] The term ‘Uncle Bob’ is used among photographer’s to define that person/family member who shows up to weddings and such with their own camera, and normally hangs over the photographer’s shoulders taking all the pictures they set up and such. Now, this can pose a bit of an issue, as the people in the picture sometimes look at his camera, his flash ruins the exposure of your shots, he gets in the way of your picture, etc. Different photographers deal with it differently, and all I ask for people is to just respect the photographer. Many will let you take pictures and such, just follow their directions so that the pro’s pictures (the one the couple paid for) turn out the way they expect.
I bring this up because this past weekend was my friend’s engagement ceremony, and they hired a photographer friend of mine, Kenny Nakai, to shoot the event. At the end of it he was going through formal portraits with everyone, and I just thought it was hilarious seeing all the other cameras. He did a great job letting people get their pictures while making sure he got his as well. Normally you’re looking through your own camera and you don’t notice it, but this is what the photographer is dealing with.

So for all you guests at events, try to steer clear of the photographer’s way as much as possible, and for all you photographers working Indian events, get ready for 15 other photographers alongside you :)