Alright, once I start thinking of something, I can’t let it sit. If I do, then the creative juices that were once flowing slowly dry up…and I’m left with an old idea and no real passion behind that motivation.
So what I thought would take a few months took a couple days (probably the same amount of hours logged though): I’ve redesigned my blog! Now, for everyone who subscribes to me using Google Reader (or your favorite newsreader) you won’t really notice the change. But to all the faithful who check my actual blog site, or the new-comers here, I’ve made some changes that I think you’ll enjoy.
[1] 1-column, no frills: I took out the sidebar with the archives list, the dancing photographer, and so-forth, and stretched the main content area to the full length. Now you get more of what you want, and less of what you don’t! :)
[2] color|brand consistency: I’ve matched my color palette to be consistent with that of my website. I’ve also matched transfered the signature over. I love when things work together!
[3] leave comments!: OK, you could leave comments for my posts before, but you would have to go into each individual post to find the link. That’s just silly…and I’m sorry (I didn’t even realize it for awhile!). Now after each post you’ll see how many comments are there, and also see the link to post your own. So start leaving comments! I love them…and I try to respond to them if you leave contact info.
[4] subscribe easier: At the bottom of each post, there’s also a link to easily subscribe my blog to your Google Reader (or Bloglines or Yahoo…whatever your reader of choice is).
[5] custom post titles!: This is by far my favorite customization. All photography related posts (and possibly others) will have a custom image to go along with the title…how cool is that?! I posted a semi-random one for this post, so you get the idea, and you can also check these past post’s to see it too: Jaden’s Birthday, Regional Conference, and Ammachi’s 75th. I love it!!!
Alright everyone…enjoy the new blog and start leaving comments!