– Brennan Manning
There are so many reasons why people are turned off by Christians (and the Christian faith). I’ve been reading a book called “UnChristian“, which was basically a 3-year research project on this subject, looking from the view of those not of the Christian faith commenting on the belief systems and the people. It’s very eye-opening to see the faults in the Christian society (and not necessarily the faith itself) to learn how to correct it.
Normally, I’m a bit turned off from people who use political issues as a pedestal to preach the faith. Many times, it simply puts a foul taste in the viewers/listeners mouths, as its not done in a loving way. Also, in an effort to try to seem as if Christians have all the answers, they speak in a way that’s either disrespectful or illogical, which does not make others open to it either.
But in the 3rd CNN debate, Mike Huckabee was asked a question regarding his view on creation vs. evolution (ummm…why is this so important for selecting the next President?), and he answered it remarkably. I’m not stating a political preference or posting loyalty, but simply posting a quality response.
Don’t try to act like you know everything, but don’t be scared to say what you believe is true. Props, my friend- mad props.