Most people would either buy a template site, or hire someone to custom design one for them. Me? Having a coding background and having a weird joy in it forces me to take on the task myself, but I must say I’m pretty happy with how this one has turned out! It’s been a busy time between shoots, album designs, and holidays, but I made it! Consider this an early Christmas gift for all of you :)
Outside of the general theme changes (color/fonts/layouts), I’ve added a few bells and whistles to try to make the browsing experience a bit more fun for all of you. Rather than bore you with the details that make it easier for me to blog more regularly, I’ll just focus more on the features that benefit you a lot more!
On the top right of the page (next to the badges for quick access to social media), there is now an input box for easy access to gallery images. Moving forward, all galleries will include an access code, so instead of having to browse through all my couples galleries, guests can quickly pop in their access code here and go straight to the one they’re looking for. Woo hoo!
I took out the rotating header for a bigger focus on the images! Now, you’ll get a large portfolio images right away, with a quick link to switch between wedding images and portrait images by simply clicking the tabs above the slideshow. How cool is that?!
Right under the main portfolio is a list of the top rated images! The more I shoot, the more my couples wonderful images get pushed further and further to the back of the site, and now here’s a way for the best of the best to stay in the limelight for all to see! :) What makes it even better is that the images are chosen by all of you too! How does this happen?! Keep reading ;)
By far my favorite (and most time consuming to build) part of my new site is the ability for everyone to “LOVE” images! At the top of every image, you can click the heart to “LOVE” images, and the ones that get the most love will be listed in the top-rated section. That…is…BALLER.
So there you have it! This probably doesn’t mean much for those of you reading my posts through facebook/rss/etc., so make sure you head over to my main site to check out what all the hoopla is about. I’m so excited to finally roll this out, and would love to hear what you all think of it! (I’m sure there might be a few bugs here or there, so let me know if you find any) This is just the beginning, too, as 2011 is right around the corner, so get ready :) (There will be a few posts pre-2011 too, so keep an eye out for that too!)
Much love, all, and thanks for stopping by!