To My Wife

[2 min read]

Happy 30th Birthday

chicago wedding photography images

Everyone says I married up. I’m not going to argue with them. You are a better wife than I could have even dreamed up. You are a greater mother than I could have hoped for. You are patient. You are loving. You have a servant’s heart. You are driven. You are passionate. You are a strength where I am weak…and where I am strong. You are humble.

You are the perfect example of the undeserved grace that God has lavishly showered upon me.

You are my best friend (and Eden’s, too). Not only do you challenge me to be better, you challenge yourself to be better. I praise God for your life, not just for your impact on me, but for your impact on all those you interact with. Thank for allowing me to do life with you all these years.

Oh, and thanks for also being the best photography assistant / stylist ever. It takes a very special and patient person to deal with this photographer and model. ;)

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chicago wedding photography images
chicago wedding photography images
chicago wedding photography images