the process

[2 min read]

As I was editing my last shoot, I figured it might be fun to give you all a little behind-the-scenes glimpse into how I prep my files. Since I retouch my images, there’s a lot more time involved than just shooting the day-of. This is a very quick overview of mainly just some edits (as there’s obviously back-ups, uploading images, presentation, etc. that isn’t in the clip).
I think the bigger reason for me to do this was because I love jumping back to my video roots to give me another creative push. It’s been almost 5 years since I’ve done any real video work, so I like jumping back in when I get a chance as a separate outlet for creativity. Hope you guys enjoy this! Let me know what you think in the comments below, and if you’d like to see more like this or any other types of video. Take care!

NMP – Portrait Process from Nate Mathai on Vimeo.